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Freshwater Research Centre | African Freshwater Biodiversity Information System
FBIS-Africa: A Freshwater Biodiversity System for Africa
$499,320 (48 Months)
Dambari Wildlife Trust and Natural History Museums of Zimbabwe and Mozambique (2025)
Somabhula Grassland Biodiversity Surveys and Capacity-building for Mozambique and Zimbabwe
$155,667 (24 months)
Freshwater Research Centre | Capacity Buillding for Water Policy Managers (2025)
Policy Implementation for Water Resources and Biodiversity Protection through Capacity Building of Water Managers
$168,561 (24 Months)
Association for Water and Rural Development (AWARD) 2025
Biodiversity Systems Management and Analytics for the Restoration of Transboundary Rivers of South Africa, Mozambique and Eswatini (BIO-SMART Phase 2)
$353,860 (24 Months)
Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (2024)
Developing National Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) Assessment Protocol and Evaluating the Status of a Pilot Legacy KBA
$34,500 (12 Months)
National Museums of Kenya (2024)
Illuminating Understudied Caves to Highlight Plant Pollination and Seed Dispersal Services by Bats
$45,000 (15 Months)
Rhodes University, Centre for Biological Control (2023)
Protecting 30x30 Gains Through Integrated Control of Prosopis and Cactus Invasions in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa
$31,000 (6 months)
WildTrack & Tswalu Foundation and Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation (2023)
Novel Biodiversity Metric: Small Mammal Track Analysis using AI, Morphometrics and Traditional and Local Ecological Knowledge (TaLEK)
$157,449 (18 Months)
Namibian Nature Foundation (2023)
Incorporating Succulent Plant and Animal Species Information into Conservation Planning
$264,108 (36 Months)
UCLA Center for Tropical Research & Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2023)
Advancing Environmental DNA Research Capacity in Rwanda to Inform Conservation Decisions
$245,865 (36 Months)
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (2023)
Support for the Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Chari-Logone sub-Basin.
$250,000 (36 Months)
International Crane Foundation- Zambia (2023)
Designing and Implementing a Wetland Information System for the Kafue Flats Wetlands, Zambia
$249,359 (36 Months)
Increase Knowledge, Awareness and Data Accessibility for Bee and Dipteran Pollinators, their Forage Plant Species to Support Conservation of Plant-Pollinator Interactions in Cameroon
$293,195 (36 Months)
Lake Tanganyika Floating Health Clinic (2023)
Cross-sectoral Household and Critical Biodiversity Surveys in Riparian South Kivu and Tanganyika Provinces
$258,500 (24 Months)
Wildlife Conservation Society (2023)
Freshwater Biodiversity Data Collection System (FBDC) for Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Northeast Protected Area Complex (NPAC) in the Central African Republic
$250,000 (36 Months)
Namibian Chamber of Environment (2023)
Better Information for Better Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of Namibian Near-endemic Plants
$161,651 (30 Months)
University of Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar (UNAD) & SOS SAHEL Senegal (2023)
Niokolo-Koba National Park Buffer Zone Biodiversity Survey
$50,000 (12 Months)
Endangered Wildlife Trust (2023)
Developing a 30-by-30 Landscape Planning Tool for South Africa that Balances the Need for Conservation, Agriculture, and Renewable Energy
$242,481 (36 Months)
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (2023)
Design of a Parataxonomists Training Program at Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
$42,248 (6 Months)
Research Unit of Tropical Mycology and Soil-Plant Fungi Interactions, University of Parakou (2022)
Data Mobilization and Long Term Conservation of Wild Fungi (WEF) in Benin
$65,000 (30 Months)
National Herbarium of Benin (2022)
Mobilizing data for Identification, Taxonomy, Socioeconomic Importance and Conservation Assessment of Bryophytes in Benin
$249,966 (36 months)
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (2022)
Enhancing Data Access to Transform Guinea’s Capacity to Identify and Protect its Threatened Plants
$274,721 (36 months)
The East African Wildlife Society (2022)
Unlocking Biodiversity Data to Facilitate Designation of Lake Ol Bolossat as a 7th Ramsar Site in Kenya
$272,136 (36 months)
Dambari Wildlife Trust & Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe (2022)
Zimbabwe Herpetofauna Data: Mobilizing Data for Mapping Biodiversity Distribution, for Climate Change and Conservation Strategies
$50,000 (18 months)
Frankfurt Zoological Society (2022)
Ecological Monitoring in the Nsumbu-Mweru ecosystem of Zambia
$263,684 (24 months)
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (2022)
Invertebrate surveys in Afromontane ecosystems
$142,901 (36 months)
South African National Parks (2022)
Overcoming pandemic threats to South Africa's national parks
$498,100 (24 months)
Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (2021)
Biodiversity data collection and training conservationists in East and West Usambaras, Tanzania
$277,794 (36 months)
Media For Environment, Science, Health and Agriculture (2021)
Journalists acting for biodiversity
$56,862 (24 months)
Lake Tanganyika Floating Health Clinic (2021)
Critical biodiversity surveys in the transboundary Lake Tanganyika & Ruzizi Basin
$47,500 (12 months)
Threatened Species Conservation Alliance (2021)
Reinforcing the capacity for conservation science and planning for young West African conservationists
$75,636 (24 Months)
Freshwater Research Centre (2020)
Demand-driven, high impact, expansion of the Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) for freshwater decision-making in South Africa
$ 337,000 (36 Months)
South African National Biodiversity Institute (2020)
South Africa Biodiversity Data Pipeline for Wetlands and Waterbirds (BIRDIE)
$294,967 (36 months)
Malawi University of Science and Technology (2020)
Development of a Biodiversity Informatics MSc program at the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST)
$339,500 (36 months)
South African National Parks (2020)
Science support, monitoring, and capacity development for biodiversity conservation in South Africa
$208,740 (24 months)
Frankfurt Zoological Society - U.S. (2020)
Biodiversity Monitoring in Serengeti, Mahale, and Gonarezhou National Parks
$280,000 (24 months)
Wildlife Conservation Society (2020)
Biodiversity monitoring in Boma, Afi and Mbe, Nouabalé-Ndoki, and Tarangire Parks
$525,000 (24 months)
Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana (2020)
ORBIS: Okavango Repository for BIodiverSity Data Planning
$50,000 (6 months)
Southern Africa Development Community – Groundwater Management Institute (2020)
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) and Biodiversity in the Khakea/Bray Transboundary Aquifer
$308,100 (36 months)
National Museums of Kenya (2019)
Assessment of Lepidoptera Pollinator Species Diversity in East Africa
$50,000 (12 Months)
Madagascar Biodiversity Fund - FAPBM (2019)
Securing the value and sustainability of the Madagascar Lemurs Portal
$51,000 (12 Months)
Freshwater Research Centre Odonata Map (2019)
Atlas and Phenology of Dragonflies and Damselflies in South Africa
$113,900 (18 Months)
Freshwater Research Centre Workshop (2019)
Developing freshwater biodiversity information systems: Workshop for African Freshwater Information System Projects
$ 54,900 (7 Months)
Royal Museum for Central Africa (2019)
The Pollinator Information Network for Sub-Saharan Two-Winged Insects (PIN-DIP)
$40,000 (9 Months)
Basque Center for Climate Change (2019)
Integrative modelling to understand pollination services across agricultural landscapes
$ 43,000
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Pollinators Planning (2019)
Planning for Harnessing pollinator biodiversity informatics in Malawi to understand the importance of agroecological interventions
$ 36,950
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Freshwater Planning (2019)
Planning for Saving the critically endangered riverine species of Malawi
$ 36,339 (5 months)
Association for Water and Rural Development (2019)
Enhanced bioinformatics capacity for data sharing and decision-support for freshwater biodiversity conservation of the transboundary rivers of the Kruger National Park
$ 284,000 (36 Months)
Sokoine University of Agriculture (2019)
Freshwater Biodiversity Information System for Sustainable Conservation of Rufiji River Basin in Tanzania
$ 53,280 (11 months)
Naturalis: Biodiversity_Next Conference (2019)
Biodiversity_Next Conference and African Theme Sponsorship
$60,000 (Six months)
KwaZulu-Natal Museum: Entomological Society of South Africa Conference (2019)
Conference Support for 21st Congress of the Entomology Society of Southern Africa
$7,500 (4 Months)
South African National Biodiversity Institute (2019)
African Biodiversity Challenge: Unlocking Decision-Data Pathways for Sustainable Development
$ 321,000 (36 months)
Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (2019)
Development of a National Biodiversity Data Portal (NBDP) based on ALA Open Source Software
$ 240,000.00 (36 Months)
Water Journalists Africa (2019)
InfoNile.org: A Geojournalism Platform Connecting Journalists and Scientists in the Nile Basin for Data-Based Communication on Biodiversity
$ 299,900
Center of Excellence in Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management, University of Rwanda (2019)
Developing a freshwater biodiversity information system for sustainable development and climate change adaptation in Rwanda
$334,000 (36 months)
African Conservation Centre (2018)
Follow on Support for Kenya Biodiversity Web Portal Project
$ 80,000 (9 Months)
Center of Excellence in Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management, University of Rwanda (2018)
Planning phase: developing a freshwater biodiversity information system for sustainable development and climate change adaptation in Rwanda
$10,584 (9 months)
Albertine Rift Conservation Society (2018)
Using Ecological Integrity Assessment to Guide Wetlands Management in Rwanda
$ 250,000 (24 months)
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (2018)
Assessing Landscape Level Impacts of Climate Change on Montane Forest Pollinators in Tanzania
$ 275,000 (36 Months)
Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (2018)
Planning phase: Data platform of wild pollinators’ biodiversity in Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa
$31,510 (4 months)
National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (2018)
From the lab to the World: Unlocking Uganda’s freshwater biodiversity data for sustainable development
$260,000 (36 months)
National Museums of Kenya (2018)
Developing a Freshwater Biodiversity Information System for the Tana River Basin, Kenya, for Improved Ecosystem Management and Development Planning
$ 250,000 (36 months)
University of Abomey-Calavi (2018)
Regional graduate course for capacity development in biodiversity informatics in Africa
$260,500.00 (36 months)
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (2018)
Conference Support: 6th Pan African Fish and Fisheries Association Conference
$15,000 (4 months)
Albertine Rift Conservation Society (2018)
Planning phase: using ecological integrity assessment and advanced information management to guide wetland management and decision-making in Rwanda
$35,000 (4 months)
National Museum, Bloemfontein (2018)
Conference Support: 9th International Congress of Dipterology
$10,000 (6 months)
The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (2018)
Conference Support: SPNHC and TDWG 2018 Conference; Collections and data in an uncertain world
$8,500 (4 months)
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (2018)
Conference Support: GBIC2: Delivering a Roadmap for Biodiversity Knowledge in the Information Age
$24,000 (4 months)
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (2017)
Integrative Pollinator-Plant Interaction Assessment of Ecosystem Service Diversity in Sub-Saharan Africa
$324,040 (36 months)
University of Botswana Okavango Research Institute (2017)
Scaling fisheries monitoring in the Okavango Delta with low‐cost technology
$180,840 (24 months)
College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka (2017)
Pollinator Monitoring Project in Tanzania
$284,400 (36 months )
Freshwater Research Centre (2017)
Developing a freshwater biodiversity information system for evaluating long-term change in rivers in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa
$273,000 (35 Months )
South African National Biodiversity Institute (2016)
African Biodiversity Challenge: Unlocking Data for Sustainable Development
$293,000 (36 months)
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2016)
Biodiversity Information For the Lake Malawi Catchment Eastern Africa: Data For Decision-makers
$252,000 (36 Months)
Royal Museum for Central Africa (2016)
The Pollinator Information Network for Sub-Saharan Two-Winged Insects (PIN-DIP)
$209,000 (36 Months)
National Museums of Kenya (2016)
Assessment of Lepidoptera Pollinator Species Diversity in East Africa
$264,200 (36 Months)
University of Cape Town (2016)
Atlas and Phenology of Dragonflies and Damselflies in South Africa
$102,000 (48 Months)
University of Botswana Okavango Research Institute (2016)
Building Capacity for Biodiversity Data Management and Dissemination in the Okavango Delta
Freshwater Research Centre (2016)
Planning grant to develop a freshwater biodiversity information system for evaluating long term change in rivers in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa
$30,000 (9 Months)
Madagascar Biodiversity Fund - FAPBM (2016)
Development of the Madagascar Lemurs Portal
$264,100 (36 Months)
Wildlife Conservation Society - Neotropics Bat Call Database
Neotropical Bat Recording
$81,620 (15 Months)
Wildlife Conservation Society - REBIOMA (2011)
Madagacar Biodiversity Data Sharing
$200,000 (27 Months)
Zoological Society of San Diego (2012)
Enhancing Access to Peruvian Plant Specimens through Herbarium Digitization
$ 86,050 (24 Months)
Zoological Society of San Diego (2014)
Enhancing Access to Peruvian Plant Specimens through Herbarium Digitization
$71,900 (24 Months)
African Conservation Centre (2014)
Biodiversity Knowledgebase to Support Decision-making in Kenya
African Technology Policy Studies Network (2014)
Biodiversity Informatics Policy Landscape
$50,050 (18 Months)
California Academy of Sciences (2014)
Digitizing Southwestern-African Herpetological Collections
$56,006 (12 Months)
Conservation International Foundation (2014)
GDSA Country Policy and Bioinformatics Projects Review
$42,800 (18 Months)
Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques UAC (2014)
Implementation of the National Biodiversity Information System (NBIS) of Benin
$150,000 (32 Months)
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
2012 Biodiversity Informatics Conference
$25,000 (17 Months)
Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund - GDFCF (2011)
Applied Informatics through the Rural Brain
$200,000 (12 Months)
Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund - GDFCF (2013)
Guanacaste Parataxonomist Program
$200,000 (24 Months)
Institute of Ecology at National Autonomous University of Mexico (2014)
Mexico National Bat Monitoring
$162,500 (30 Months)
Institute of Policy Analysis and Research - Rwanda (2014)
Biodiversity Informatics Policy Research
$49,400 (18 Months)
Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt
Plant Conservation in Colombia
$182,950 (36 Months)
Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado (2011)
The Geospatial Center for Biodiversity
$190,750 (25 Months)
Museo Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado (2013)
Geospatial Center for Biodiversity - Bolivia
$189,970 (30 Months)
National Biodiversity Institute (INBio) of Costa Rica
Benin National Biodiversity Information System
$182,319 (30 Months)
National Land Use Planning Commission
Identifcation Tool for Tanzanian Plant Conservation Areas
$199,375 (40 Months)
NatureServe Policy Review (2015)
How biodiversity information informs national policy in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
$94,000 (18 Months)
New York Botanical Garden (2009)
Rescue and Integration of Botanical Data for Conservation in the Southwestern Amazon
$ 199,410 (36 Months)
South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (2011)
African Pollinator Biodiversity
$198,000 (24 Months)
South African National Biodiversity Institute (2012)
Mobilizing Africa's Biodiversity Data
$246,000 (30 Months)
South African National Biodiversity Institute (2014)
Biodiversity Heritage Library Africa
$150,000 (36 Months)
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (2014)
Tanzania Biodiversity Information Management Tool
$75,000 (24 Months)
Universidad Central de Venezuela (2014)
Mobilizing Venezuelan Biodiversity Data
$100,000 (24 Months)
University of Cape Town (2008)
Southern African Reptile Conservation Assessment
$135,057 (32 Months)
University of Kansas Center for Research
Biodiversity Informatics Training for Africa and the World
$414,858 (54 Months)
University of Pretoria - Neuroptera (2012)
Afrotropical Neuroptera Biodiversity Database
$86,000 (36 Months)
Wildlife Conservation Society - Camera Traps (2014)
Camera Trap Data Repository for Biodiversity Monitoring
$202,929 (24 Months)
Wildlife Conservation Society - Madagascar (2015)
Project Planning Grant for the ‘Madagascar Lemurs Portal’