Gaea Seychelles Launches Innovative Assessment of Island Rivers

JRS grantee, Gaea Seychelles, successfully launched activities within the Developing a Freshwater Biodiversity Information System for Conservation and Management in the Seychelles project on September 19. Events hosted over 70 attendees and included presentations by project Director Dr. Elvina Henriette…

Field Survey Uncovers New Species Record for Namibia

JRS grantee Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE) kicked off their activities with a field trip to survey several sites in southern Namibia. We are excited to share that during their survey, NCE documented a new species record for Namibia! Cleretum papulosum…

SOS Sahel Kicks off Biodiversity Monitoring Training in Senegal

In June, the SOS SAHEL team, accompanied by Mathieu Gueye, an ethnobotanist of the Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire (IFAN) conducted visits to three Dialacoto villages engaged in biodiversity monitoring training with support from a JRS planning grant. Local authorities and…

Growing Citizen Science and Bee Watching in South Africa

JRS grantee North-West University provided the following update for their grant Building Bee Taxonomic Capacity Among Citizen Scientists in South Africa Bees are delightful little animals. Despite being small and lots of different species many are fairly easy to identify.…

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