Conservation Team Conducts Bioblitz of the Kafue Flats Wetlands

In December 2023 JRS grantee International Crane Foundation (ICF), along with partners including University of Zambia’s (UNZA) Department of Biological Sciences (BS) and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Zambia’s Agriculture and Research Institute (ZARI), and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) conducted a bioblitz in Lochinvar National Park to document the fauna and flora of the Kafue Flats. The primary objective of the expedition was to collect data on underrepresented and poorly documented animal groups of the region including reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, macroinvertebrates, and plants.

photo (iCrane)

Surveys focused on vegetation, herpetofauna, insects, birds, and macroinvertebrates across different identified habitats in Lochinvar National Park. Due to the current dry conditions experienced in Zambia the team found low diversity for amphibians (3 species), reptiles (4 species), insects (38), and macroinvertebrates (8 taxa). High species diversity was recorded for birds at 81 species. Regarding mammals, the team recorded Kafue Lechwe, Common Duiker, Oribi, Chacma baboons, and Velvet monkeys.

Soil samples were also collected for subsequent microorganism analysis. The species observed were uploaded onto the iNaturalist platform using an account that was created for the Kafue Flats Biodiversity Inventory project ( and will be used for all ICF future surveys.

Read more about International Crane Foundation’s project Designing and Implementing a Wetland Information System for the Kafue Flats Wetlands, Zambia here.