JRS grantees working on bioinformatics in Africa met via Zoom on August 3 for the first of seven seminars coordinated by the Freshwater Research Centre (FRC). This bi-weekly seminar series is in its second year after a successful run of seminars in 2021 and continues to serve as a critical forum for researchers across the continent to discuss challenges and successes in the African bioinformatics community.

For each session the FRC hosts shares 5 questions for attendees to consider in advance in order to encourage lively thoughtful discussions. The topic and questions for the for the inaugural 2022 seminar series were:
Cultivating productive data-provider relationships
How do we identify the different kinds of data-providers?
How do we approach and engage the data providers?
How do we encourage data sharing?
Are formal user agreements important?
How do we maintain data-provider relationships?
Topics for following weeks include:
-Achieving platform impact
-Tracking platform impact
-Platform scaling and synergies
-Platform sustainability and longevity
-Platform outreach and promotion
-Freshwater taxon lists

Read more about the Freshwater Research Centre here and watch the 2021 Freshwater Biodiversity Seminar Series here.