How to Apply / The Basics
Scope of Funding
JRS funds projects that expand biodiversity data and information systems in sub-Saharan Africa in our target Program Areas. Our grants focus on processes for data collection, data mobilization, data visualization, dissemination and data sharing with the aims of connecting knowledge to users and decision makers We also support grants focused solely on capacity development. All of our grants are required to have strong capacity-building elements.
All concepts and proposals for funding to the JRS Biodiversity Foundation are submitted in response to a specific Request for Proposals (RFP). RFPs are posted on our website and distributed to our mailing list.
What We Do Not Fund
- We do not fund projects for biodiversity on the continents and sub-regions of North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, or Antarctica unless they support biodiversity data and information systems in sub-Saharan Africa.
- We do not fund grants to individuals such as grants solely for an individual’s course of study, individual travel, or an individual’s post-graduate tuition and projects.
- We do not fund emergency projects, land acquisition, or endowments
- We do not fund agricultural or community economic development projects such as tree plantations, beekeeping, fish farming, livelihood development, education of children, or public health interventions.
- We do not fund environmental restoration, reforestation, or water treatment.
- We do not fund efforts that directly engage in political activities, lobbying, or influencing legislation.
Unsolicited Proposals
Full proposals that are not in response to an RFP should not be sent to JRS. However, brief Letters of Inquiry are welcomed at any time. Please do not go the effort of developing a proposal unless invited to do so. Generally, JRS can give you feedback on whether your interests intersect with ours based on a half-page or one-page description.
Charitable and Non-Charitable Organizations
JRS funds a variety of U.S. and international organizations, including those that do not have U.S. 501(c)3 status as charitable organizations. We fund universities, NGOs, museums, and government agencies to name a few. We do not fund individuals such as for individual travel grants or student fellowships.
Indirect Costs (also known as Overhead Charges)
JRS is willing to support expenses typical of indirect costs but requires these be directly accounted. JRS is a charitable entity and does not match the indirect cost rates of the U.S. government or other governmental donors. If a grantee has significant subcontracts, we may restrict the overhead on subcontracts to only 5% of those ‘passed through’ funds. Please see our Policies page for more detail. The rates we reimburse are:
- Up to 15% rate: Non-Profits and Educational Institutions are eligible for up to 15% of indirect costs.
- Up to 10% rate: Government agencies of African countries.
- 0% rate: Government agencies of OECD countries and for-profit organizations.