How to Apply / Apply For a Grant


When JRS has an open call for proposals we will post links and pages to apply online. We always announce the request through our social media channels and website. When JRS directly solicits a proposal, we may provide a customized template. Our proposals generally include narratives, timelines with key indicators and milestones, a detailed budget, and data sharing and risk management plans.


Our requests for proposals typically allow 6-8 weeks for pre-proposals to be submitted to the foundation.

Review and Development

After pre-proposal submission, our processes for external and internal review may require 4-8 weeks and additional time may be required for the revision of pre-proposals and selection from a pool of semifinalists. The average time period between applying for a grant and receiving funding is likely to be 6 months or more. Most JRS grants are approved at our June or November Board meetings.

JRS has learned that grant proposals contain many elements of project management plans but are designed for the purpose of winning the grant award and supporting funding decisions. JRS will typically ask awardees to develop a detailed project plan before the start of the project as an initial project milestone. The foundation may work with an applicant organization to modify an original proposal to make it stronger.

Grant Decisions & Other Guidelines

  • The Board of Trustees will make all final funding decisions. Upon approval, a grant award letter is sent describing the conditions, restrictions, payment terms, and reporting requirements. Returning an executed copy of this letter constitutes an agreement to the terms and conditions of a grant.
  • Consistent with the terms and conditions of the grant award, organizations will be required to submit periodic written reports to the foundation. Payments are made after the review and acceptance of reports.
  • Progress reports to JRS that are more than 30 days late will require a special cover letter explaining the delay and how that will be addressed. Progress reports more than 60 days late will trigger suspension of all project activities, pending a review by JRS of the project’s progress and a re-evaluation of project plans and budgets
  • Ongoing monitoring and site visits may be performed by the foundation throughout a grant period.
  • JRS will work with grantees to support communications about the JRS-funded project.
  • JRS works closely with its grantees to adapt reporting, payment amounts, milestones and metrics to the realities of the project that arise during implementation.
  • At the end of a grant period, a final report will be required from a grantee describing the results of the grant.

The Basics

JRS treats our grantees as partners, striving to be adaptive, attentive, and opportunistic in support of the best outcomes for your projects.


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