For over 60 years the East Africa Wild Life Society (EAWLS) has promoted conservation and wise use of natural resources in the East African region through evidence-based advocacy. JRS is proud to support EAWLS as it undertakes a project to provide up-to-date biodiversity information of Kenya’s Lake Ol Bolossat.

Lake Ol Bolossat is a critical biodiversity site in west-central Kenya, and is a designated Important Bird Area. Despite this, the lake is under serious threat and does not have adequate management and protection in part due to incomplete biodiversity data records. The lake has also been listed among the priority wetlands the Kenyan Government wishes to designate as Ramsar sites by 2024 due to its uniqueness and biodiversity value. However, the lack of reliable biodiversity data hinders the implementation of conservation strategies and biodiversity monitoring. This project not only aims to gather comprehensive biodiversity information but also seeks to improve protection of the lake by informing advocacy for its eventual designation as a wetland of international importance.
Read more about the East African Wild Life Society grant project details.