Local villagers work with TFCG to clear bracken fern in the North Gap in the Magamba Nature Reserve in the West Usambara Mountains. (photo/ C Meshack)
Connecting Forest Corridors: One Year On with Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
Posted on Jul 17, 2023
The Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) recently concluded the first year of its JRS-funded project, Biodiversity Data Collection and Training Conservationists in East and West Usambaras, Tanzania. With the goal to regenerate forest gaps between the largest and closest forest fragments in the biodiverse Usambara Mountains, this project also builds local capacity for conservation practices. Charles Meshack, the Project Director and Executive Director of TFG, shares photos taken from the field over this first year.
A village meeting lead by local leaders and representatives from Tanzania Forest Service Muheza Office and held at the Kambai village to discuss reconnecting the Amani and Nilo Nature Reserves in the East Usambara Mountains. (photo / C Meshack)Representatives from TFCG and the Tanzania Forest Service Muheza Office conducting a field site visit in the East Usambara Mountains to identify and assess potential sites that can be revegetated to reconnect the Amani and Nilo Nature Reserves in the East Usambara Mountains. (photo. C Meshack)A local villager tends a seedling in the North Gap in the Magamba Nature Reserve in the West Usambara Mountains. (photo/ C Meshack)
Project partner Amani Friends of Nature conducts bird observation sessions with school children in the East Usambara Mountains. (photos/ C Meshack)
Read more about the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group grant here.