JRS is proud to announce support to Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in its work with partners from the National Herbarium of Guinea, the Centre Forestière Nzérékoré and Guinée Ecologie to identify unnamed Guinean plant specimens, digitize colonial specimen data from the Paris Herbarium, and make accessible private specimen records, aimed at adding thousands of new records to Guinean flora records on Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) platforms.

This exciting project will provide training to Guinean botanists in plant identification and compiling Red List assessments to enable the completion of Red Listing for all of Guinea’s threatened plant species. In addition, a threatened plant species identification guide will be to be made available to field workers to increase their capacity to accurately recognize and identify threatened species.

Read more about the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Enhancing data access to transform Guinea’s capacity to identify and protect its Threatened Plants project here.