Official project launch by the Vice Chacellor in charge of University Research and other dignitaries. photo/Clovis Maforikan

Benin’s Bryophytes in the News as National Herbarium Launches Data Project

JRS Grantee the National Herbarium of Benin, located at the University of Abomey-Calavi successfully kicked off their project Mobilizing data for Identification, Taxonomy, Socioeconomic Importance and Conservation Assessment of Bryophytes in Benin at the Polytechnique School in June 2023.  Project PI Dr. Hospice Dassou welcomed over 70 attendees and introduced guest speakers from across the university campus to stress the importance and direct impact this project will have on the local community.

Participants in the inception meeting photo/Clovis Maforikan

Dr. Dassou also introduced associate Bryophyte experts for the project, Dr Lova Marline of Madagascar and Univ. of Capetown Professor Terry Hedderson, who emphasized how building capacity in the study of Bryophytes in Benin would be essential for informed decision-making.

Group photo from the project launch. photo/Clovis Maforikan

Dr. Dassou coordinated the first project activity in September which included training, a field demonstration of Bryophyte sample collection and processing as well as lab training on specimen identification.  Dr. Marline and Prof. Hedderson headed the field training sessions in the protected forest of Lama in Southern Benin.

Dr. Marline in the field. photo/BryoBen Project Communications
Collecting samples of bryophytes, photo/BryoBen Project Communications
Group photo from the field training. photo/BryoBen Project Communications
Dr. Marline instructing PhD students in lab specimen identification. photo/BryoBen Project Communications

Read more about the Mobilizing data for Identification, Taxonomy, Socioeconomic Importance and Conservation Assessment of Bryophytes in Benin at the Conference of Polytechnique here.