About JRS / People
Board of Trustees
Mohamed Bakarr
Global Environment Facility Secretariat
Washington, D.C. (USA)
Alécia Chen
Climb Credit
New York, NY (USA)
Julius Ecuru
BioInnovate Africa
Nairobi, Kenya
Michele JL Martin
The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment
Boston, MA (USA)
The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment
Carmel Mbizvo
South African National Biodiversity Institute
Cape Town, South Africa
Guy Midgley
University of Stellenbosch
Stellenbosch, South Africa
Grace Mwaura
Independent Consultant
Accra, Ghana
Michael Kwame Nkonu
Ikea Foundation
London, UK
Alasdair Philip
Coalition Greenwich (a division of CRISIL)
Stamford, CT (USA)
Baldwyn Torto
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
Nairobi, Kenya
JRS Staff
Matthew V. Cassetta
JRS Executive Director | Arlington, VA (USA)
Matthew Cassetta joined JRS in 2021 as the Foundation’s third Executive Director. He brings over two decades of diverse experience in international diplomacy and project management, much of it focused in Africa on capacity-building and development partnerships. Matthew’s work in Africa began as Regional Environment Officer for Central and West Africa, and later as Facilitator of the multilateral Congo Basin Forest Partnership. Most recently he served as Deputy Chief of Mission in both the Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic. With a Master of Science concentrating in Protected Areas Management, conservation is a true passion and greatly influenced his professional trajectory first in the NGO sector and later in the U.S. Foreign Service. Fluent in French, Portuguese, and Spanish, he has developed creative collaborations with partners in civil society, academia, the private sector, and national governments for impactful programs to advance development while valuing unique biodiversity and enhancing environmental stewardship. These included such diverse projects as grants competitions for African forest conservateurs, global media outreach to prevent wildlife trafficking, anti-erosion and reforestation efforts in the Congo Basin, and biodiversity awareness campaigns in the Caribbean and Pacific regions.
John Hardies
JRS Operations | Alexandria, VA (USA)
John joined JRS in April 2021. He holds an MA in African Studies & International Business from the University of Wisconsin and has three decades of experience managing international grants and subcontracts for development entities and USAID partners. Expertise includes third-party and remote project monitoring, eco-tourism, agriculture, water resources, agriculture, infrastructure, early warning systems, and policy reform. Managed international projects from headquarters and long-term field sites in Africa and the Middle East. He enjoys working with JRS grantees and supporting African sustainable development.
Jennifer Piddington
JRS Program Specialist | Philadelphia,PA (USA)
Jennifer joined JRS in 2022. She has been working in academic institutions for over fifteen years where she has managed a wide array of communications, finance, operations, and events coordination and has extensive experience managing the research award lifecycle. She is delighted to be working with the staff, Board Trustees and committed grantees of JRS, helping to conserve Africa’s critical biodiversity. Jennifer holds a BA in Global Studies from Long Island University.
Former Trustees & Staff
The J.R.S. Biodiversity Foundation gratefully acknowledges the valuable contributions of our former Trustees and staff to the growth and development of the Foundation and to the success of our grantees.
Sandy Andelman
Trustee • 2015-2024
Bea G. Leopold
Trustee, 2000 - 2005
James H. Beach
Trustee, 1999 - 2006
Leonard Saari
Trustee • 1998 - 2006
Janet Boudris
Trustee • 1999 - 2007
Colin Day
Trustee, 2000-2008
Carole Haywood
Trustee, 2003-2008
Janet McCue
Trustee, 2002-2008
David Molyneux
Trustee, 1999-2008
Michael Jensen
Trustee • 2001 - 2009
Jim Edwards
Trustee, 2002-2010
Benjamin Rader
Trustee • 2013-2023
Vinand Nantulya
Trustee, 2006-2011
Scott Nichols
Trustee, 2006 - 2011
Harry Cerino
Executive Director & Trustee • 2006 - 2012
Bryan Heidorn
Trustee, 2007-2013
Rebecca Schrader
Trustee • 2007 - 2013
Jorge Soberón
Trustee, 2007-2013
Richard Kiome Bagine
Trustee, 2008-2014
Daniel Masiga
Trustee, 2008-2014
Aaron McNevin
Trustee, 2009-2015
Jon Paul Rodriguez
Trustee, 2013-2015
Sarah Feresu
Trustee, 2010 - 2017
Robert Guralnick
Trustee, 2011 - 2017
Souleymane Konaté
Trustee, 2015-2017
Ruth K. Temple Midcalf
Trustee, 2009 - 2019
Akiça Bahri
Trustee, 2019-2020
Lucy W. Irungu
Trustee, 2013 - 2020
Bonnie Cockman
Trustee, 2017 - 2020
Allyson Fish
Trustee, 2012-2021
Don S. Doering
Executive Director & Trustee • 2013 - 2020
Leonard Krishtalka
Trustee • 2013-2022
Sarah Lynch
Trustee, 2015-2021
Ellen Martz
Trustee, 2012-2021
Former Staff, 2013 – 2020
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Don S. Doering
JRS Biodiversity Foundation Executive Director | Seattle, WA (USA)
Don Doering served JRS 2013 – 2020 as JRS’ second Executive Director. He presided over the shift of JRS grantmaking to focus on Africa, local capacity development to serve local needs, and on pollinators and freshwater biodiversity. He led grantmaking of $13.4M in commitments predominantly to African institutions and a high representation of women project directors. His expertise is philanthropic strategies to create change and he has over 25years of experience in strategy development and execution in the for-profit and non-profit sectors. From 2006-2011, Don served at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation where he helped to start and lead a sixty-five person team in Agricultural Development that committed over $1.7 billion in four years to help poor farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. He held positions of Program Office, Business Officer, and Senior Strategy Officer. Don has held senior positions at the Wharton School of Business, World Resources Institute, Winrock International, and the International Food Policy Research Institute and consulted to Fortune500 companies and major non-profit organizations. He is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University in Biophysics and received his Ph.D. in Biology from M.I.T..
Samantha A. Garvin
JRS Biodiversity Foundation Program Manager | Seattle, WA (USA)
Sam Garvin served JRS 2018-2019 as JRS’ first full-time Program Manager. Sam made great contributions to all areas of JRS work including grantmaking, strategic communications, grantee support, and management. Her expertise is in socio-political contexts of conservation, and she has 6 years of professional experience in applied research in the conservation and international development arenas. She has conducted research on decision-making to support human-elephant coexistence in Botswana, as well as contributed to projects at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society, implementing financial instruments to mitigate climate risk for smallholder farmers. Sam is a graduate of Barnard College, Columbia University in Environmental Science and received her Masters of Environmental Science from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies..
Lillian Mcgill
University of Washington | Seattle, WA (USA)
Lillian McGill served JRS 2017-2018 as a science communications intern. She is currently a graduate student in the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management program at the University of Washington. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science and Applied Mathematics from the University of Notre Dame. Lillian enjoys the challenges of communicating technical science to a broad audience.

Emily Grason
University of Washington | Seattle, WA (USA)
Emily Grason served JRS 2015-2017 as a science communications intern. She recently completed a Ph.D. at the University of Washington studying biological invasions. She enjoys communicating conservation and biodiversity science to broad audiences, as a speaker, a blogger, and as the person sitting next to you to on the airplane.

Ariel West
University of Washington | Seattle, WA (USA)
Ariel West served JRS 2015-2016 as our third management intern. She is a graduate student at the Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington and received her Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies from the University of Michigan.

Samantha DeMars-Hanson
University of Washington | Seattle, WA (USA)
Sam DeMars-Hanson served JRS 2014-2015 as our second communications intern. She is a University of Washington graduate with a degree in Environmental Studies. Sam is a huge animal lover.

Alison Saperstein
University of Washington | Seattle, WA (USA)
Alison served JRS 2014-2015 as our second management intern. She completed her Master’s of Public Administration at the University of Washington. Allison has a background in Geology-Biology from Brown University and professional experience in non-profit program management and environmental education.

Izabella Phillips
University of Washington | Seattle, WA (USA)
Izzy served JRS 2013-2014 as our first communications intern. She is a graduate of the University of Washington with a degree in Communications and is a Seattle local. Izzy managed JRS’ social media and was JRS’ point of contact for grantee communications and has developed the Grant Portfolio content in partnership with JRS grantees.

Chris Clark
University of Washington | Seattle, WA (USA)
Chris served JRS 2013-2014 as our first management intern. Chris completed his Master’s of Public Administration at the University of Washington’s Evans School. He is also a graduate of Portland State University in International Studies and Economics and served in the U.S. Peace Corps in Niger, West Africa.