From June 3-5, the National Museums of Kenya hosted the 1st Joint International Scientific Conference under the banner of “Utilization of Biological Resources for Sustainable Development, Conservation and Climate Resilience” in collaboration with the Association of Kenyan Entomologists. Over 350 participants from 18 countries gathered to share research findings, display applications of data collected and debate how best to engage in public policy and discourse to further conservation. In a festive opening ceremony, Kenya’s Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service, Felix Koskei, exhorted participants to share research more widely and to synthesize the critical linkages of biodiversity to society in terms of economic benefits, healthy ecosystems and sustaining livelihoods and wellness. Mr. Koskei noted that policymakers do not often invite scientists into discussions, so researchers must find creative and compelling ways to share their messages and not remain isolated in labs and field sites.
The conference streams featured a stunning array of professional presentations, visual displays and debates on themes including the importance of biodiversity systematics and indigenous knowledge for conservation, innovations in nature-based enterprises and supportive policies for research and development. Several JRS grantees led discussions, including Jabes Okumu of the East African Wildlife Society, who detailed the importance of research in Lake Ol Bolossat within the national policy framework for wetlands. Read more about that East African Wildlife Society project here.
Read more about JRS sponsored projects with the National Museums of Kenya:
Illuminating Understudied Caves to Highlight Plant Pollination and Seed Dispersal Services by Bats (2024)
Assessment of Lepidoptera Pollinator Species Diversity in East Africa (2019)
Developing a Freshwater Biodiversity Information System for the Tana River Basin, Kenya, for Improved Ecosystem Management and Development Planning (2018)
Assessment of Lepidoptera Pollinator Species Diversity in East Africa (2016)